The Detailing is a profession consisting of maintain, wash the bodywork of a vehicle and improve its an esthetic appearance.
It is often used on high end cars, in order to preserve its value as much as possible.
The normal wear and tear of a moving car generates micro-scratches and defaults, because of projections carried out on the road, solar rays and severe weather.
To keep a body as in dealership exit, or even a best quality (shine), do not hesitate to call on the services of the Detailing of the subsidiary How Long Car Service.
As a prevention of body defects, we use the PPF (the most impactful protective film to protect against major bodywork scratches) avoiding impacts on the road and grooves related to friction.
To delete the interior / exterior defects of your vehicle, we offer you the polylustrage of your vehicle.
If you wish to resell your car, do not hesitate to call on our detailing services, this will allow you to increase your selling price considerably thanks to an interior/exterior gloss wash and the deletion of all of micro-defects.
What is Detailing?
The Detailing is the set of operations of cleaning and of finishes intended for restore or at improve the esthetic appearance of a vehicle. The Detailing can be performed on the interior and the exterior of the vehicle and may include different operations, such as:
1. The washing: this is the cleaning of the bodywork and rims of the vehicle with shampoo and hot water.
2. The polishing: it's about polishing of the body of the vehicle using an abrasive product and one polishing machine in order to give it back glow and take away his micro-scratches.
3. The polishing: it's about polishing from the body of the vehicle in order to remove all grooves and all defaults.
4. The cleaning of the interior: it's about seat cleaning, from ground sheet, from dashboard and other vehicle interior surfaces using adapted maintenance products.
5. The rim processing: it's about cleaning and ceramic treatment of the rims interior - exterior to give them back glow and better rendering shine and the protect of the corrosion.
6. The rim protection: it's about the rim protection to avoid the wear and the grooves, in particular due to blows on the pavement.
7. The ceramic body protection: it is about the application of products based on ceramic on the body of the vehicle, allowing its protection, the shine from vehicle and one water-repellent effect.
The Detailing is often performed on collector or prestige vehicles, but it can also be carried out on all types of vehicles to improve their aesthetic appearance.

How to keep a shiny car?
The shine of a car designates its exterior finish who is smooth and flawless, which can give it a shiny appearance and attractive. To maintain this shiny appearance, it is recommended to wash your car regularly and some protect with a quality wax. You can also use a polish to remove the grooves and the brands on the painting and so improve theappearance of your vehicle. If you are having trouble getting a glossy finish on your car, it is recommended that you consult an automotive professional or follow your vehicle manufacturer's instructions.
To support you, How Long Car Service puts you in touch with the top detailing experts of your region.

Technics for a shiny car
The shine of a car is a term for the car paint shine. It is important to keep the car paint chipping in order to protect from bad weather and give him a looks new and well maintained. There are a variety of products and of technics which can be used to obtain a high level of gloss on the painting of a car, including raincoats, them polite and the ceramic coatings.
In order to keep the car paint chipping, it is important to clean regularly and to use specially designed products to be used on the automotive paint.

Car body maintenance
There are several steps to follow to car body maintenance:
1. Regular cleaning: to maintain the body of your car in good condition, it is important to wash regularly using a gentle cleanser and a glove to avoid scratch the paint.
2. Remov al of the dirt and debris: use a high pressure water jet or one pressure washer to eliminate the dirt and the debris embedded in these seals and the nooks of the body.
3. Drying: Dry carefully your car using a microfiber towel or a special drying microfiber to avoid the scratch marks. It is recommended to systematically dry his car after cleaning because the limestone attacks the body.
4. Paint Protection: apply wax or a product based on ceramic with water-repellent effect on the body of your vehicle can help maintenance the body (them dirt will be easier to take off).
5. Headlight maintenance: to maintain the headlight transparency, use a special product to remove the tasks and the grooves.
6. Rim maintenance: clean regularly the rims of your vehicle using a special cleaning product to eliminate them residues and the debris.
It is also recommended to do regularly have your vehicle serviced by an automotive professional to check the body condition and perform all necessary work.